"The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim" is an epic animated film set in the world of J.R.R. Tolkien. The film transports viewers to the events of 250 years before the events of The Lord of the Rings, telling the story of the legendary King Helm's Deep, Helm Hammerhand. As Rohan faces mortal danger, Helm must lead his people in a desperate fight for survival. Filled with thrilling battles, moving music and extraordinary animation, the film delves into the history and heritage of Rohan, revealing previously unseen chapters of Middle-earth. Director Kenji Kamiyama creates a spectacle that will captivate Tolkien fans and newcomers alike, drawing them into a world of heroism, sacrifice and magic. It is a journey that not only brings to life one of the most iconic lands of Middle-earth, but also reveals the depth of the warrior spirit of Rohan.
"The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim" is an epic animated film set in the world of J.R.R. Tolkien. The film transports viewers to the events of 250 years before the events of The Lord of the Rings, telling the story of the legendary King Helm's Deep, Helm Hammerhand. As Rohan faces mortal danger, Helm must lead his people in a desperate fight for survival. Filled with thrilling battles, moving music and extraordinary animation, the film delves into the history and heritage of Rohan, revealing previously unseen chapters of Middle-earth. Director Kenji Kamiyama creates a spectacle that will captivate Tolkien fans and newcomers alike, drawing them into a world of heroism, sacrifice and magic. It is a journey that not only brings to life one of the most iconic lands of Middle-earth, but also reveals the depth of the warrior spirit of Rohan.
Spektrum to sala kinowa na drugim piętrze KOTa. Wzorowane na amerykańskich pałacach filmowych wnętrze zapewnia wygodne miejsca dla 100 osób. Spektrum to przestrzeń, która przypomina widzom, że prawdziwe ekranowe emocje można przeżywać tylko w kinie.