Twins Hal and Bill discover their father's toy monkey in the attic. Soon after, a series of mysterious and macabre deaths begin to occur in their immediate surroundings. Trying to distance themselves from the obviously haunted object, the brothers decide to throw away the monkey and continue their lives as if nothing had happened. However, years later, more inexplicable deaths come to light. Time is not an ally, and evil lurks at every turn.
Twins Hal and Bill discover their father's toy monkey in the attic. Soon after, a series of mysterious and macabre deaths begin to occur in their immediate surroundings. Trying to distance themselves from the obviously haunted object, the brothers decide to throw away the monkey and continue their lives as if nothing had happened. However, years later, more inexplicable deaths come to light. Time is not an ally, and evil lurks at every turn.
Spektrum to sala kinowa na drugim piętrze KOTa. Wzorowane na amerykańskich pałacach filmowych wnętrze zapewnia wygodne miejsca dla 100 osób. Spektrum to przestrzeń, która przypomina widzom, że prawdziwe ekranowe emocje można przeżywać tylko w kinie.