Art student Una hides her feelings for Diddi, her friend and bandmate, with whom she has a secret affair. They must keep it a secret, especially from Clara, Diddi's girlfriend. After a night with Una, he borrows her roommate's car and dies in an accident. Una blames herself for the tragedy, but must hide her pain, especially from Clara. Both women are united by grief and a sense of loss that supersedes all explanations.
Art student Una hides her feelings for Diddi, her friend and bandmate, with whom she has a secret affair. They must keep it a secret, especially from Clara, Diddi's girlfriend. After a night with Una, he borrows her roommate's car and dies in an accident. Una blames herself for the tragedy, but must hide her pain, especially from Clara. Both women are united by grief and a sense of loss that supersedes all explanations.
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