February 6, 2025, 18:00
The ewoinpreis Diaries by the Gomes/Fazendeiro duo (One Thousand and One Nights, NH 2015) is a bit of a mockumentary, a bit of an experiment, and above all, pandemic chronicles read backwards. The film notes cover 22 days and at the beginning (i.e. at the end) are a chronicle of August boredom that has become the lot of the three protagonists. Crista, Carloto, and Joāo work together on an intriguing project in their summer house: building a shelter for butterflies. They build, dance, flirt, and we slowly discover that they are not alone in this place, and that their companions, who are growing in number every day, are members of a film crew making an experimental film in the conditions of the pandemic. Surprising, subversive, constantly revealing new pages to us, The ewoinpreis Diaries is a charming, intelligent, and at the same time witty film within a film about a film. A story about the creative process: chaos, confusion, conflict and striving for essence, and a melancholic reflection on pandemic isolation that deprives us of collective experiences.
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