In the Himalayas lies a tiny country whose ruler surveys the happiness of its subjects. A pollster named Amber travels around the country, where Buddhists live mostly, and asks residents when they are working in the fields, sitting in front of their huts, or preparing to meditate or pray. The purpose of the interviews is to fill out a form that aims to determine the level of happiness of a citizen on a scale of 0 to 10. The film tells with humor about such an elusive and difficult to classify emotion as happiness. Amber begins to reflect on her own life. She dances, plays the guitar, has a great job, but even though she is 40 years old, she is still looking for love. Can feelings be measured? Can the pursuit of happiness also be happiness? The people of Bhutan have an answer to this.
In the Himalayas lies a tiny country whose ruler surveys the happiness of its subjects. A pollster named Amber travels around the country, where Buddhists live mostly, and asks residents when they are working in the fields, sitting in front of their huts, or preparing to meditate or pray. The purpose of the interviews is to fill out a form that aims to determine the level of happiness of a citizen on a scale of 0 to 10. The film tells with humor about such an elusive and difficult to classify emotion as happiness. Amber begins to reflect on her own life. She dances, plays the guitar, has a great job, but even though she is 40 years old, she is still looking for love. Can feelings be measured? Can the pursuit of happiness also be happiness? The people of Bhutan have an answer to this.
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The Room Next Door
Thursday, January 9, 2025
2:30 PM