"A Real Pain" is the story of cousins David (Jesse Eisenberg) and Benji (Kieran Culkin), who travel to Poland together to honor the memory of their beloved grandmother. During this journey, they discover not only previously unknown places and facts from their family history, but also try to rebuild difficult and tense relationships.
"A Real Pain" is the story of cousins David (Jesse Eisenberg) and Benji (Kieran Culkin), who travel to Poland together to honor the memory of their beloved grandmother. During this journey, they discover not only previously unknown places and facts from their family history, but also try to rebuild difficult and tense relationships.
Spektrum to sala kinowa na drugim piętrze KOTa. Wzorowane na amerykańskich pałacach filmowych wnętrze zapewnia wygodne miejsca dla 100 osób. Spektrum to przestrzeń, która przypomina widzom, że prawdziwe ekranowe emocje można przeżywać tylko w kinie.
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Anatomy of a Fall
Saturday, December 28, 2024
3:00 PM