Karoline (Vic Carmen Sonne), a young factory worker, is struggling to survive in post WW1 Copenhagen. When she finds herself unemployed, abandoned and pregnant, she meets Dagmar (Trine Dyrholm), a charismatic woman running an underground adoption agency, helping mothers to find foster homes for their unwanted children. With nowhere else to turn, Karoline takes on the role of a wet-nurse. A strong connection is formed between the two women, but Karoline's world shatters when she stumbles upon the shocking truth behind her work. Inspired by a true story and directed by Magnus von Horn (The Here After, Sweat) THE GIRL WITH THE NEEDLE is an unsettling tale about a woman struggling to find love and a sense of morality.
Karoline (Vic Carmen Sonne), a young factory worker, is struggling to survive in post WW1 Copenhagen. When she finds herself unemployed, abandoned and pregnant, she meets Dagmar (Trine Dyrholm), a charismatic woman running an underground adoption agency, helping mothers to find foster homes for their unwanted children. With nowhere else to turn, Karoline takes on the role of a wet-nurse. A strong connection is formed between the two women, but Karoline's world shatters when she stumbles upon the shocking truth behind her work. Inspired by a true story and directed by Magnus von Horn (The Here After, Sweat) THE GIRL WITH THE NEEDLE is an unsettling tale about a woman struggling to find love and a sense of morality.
Spektrum to sala kinowa na drugim piętrze KOTa. Wzorowane na amerykańskich pałacach filmowych wnętrze zapewnia wygodne miejsca dla 100 osób. Spektrum to przestrzeń, która przypomina widzom, że prawdziwe ekranowe emocje można przeżywać tylko w kinie.
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Julie Keeps Quiet
Saturday, January 18, 2025
7:30 PM