"Poor Creatures" directed by Yorgos Lanthimos is an incredible story about the evolution of Bella Baxter (Emma Stone), a young woman who is brought back to life by a brilliant and unconventional scientist, Dr. Godwin Baxter (Willem Dafoe). Under his care, Bella is eager to learn everything from scratch, but also to experience life to the fullest. In search of new experiences, she sets off on a stormy and adventurous journey across continents in the company of a clever and debauched lawyer, Duncan Wedderburn (Mark Ruffalo). Free from the prejudices of her time, Bella is determined to pursue her goal of fighting for equality and independence.
"Poor Creatures" directed by Yorgos Lanthimos is an incredible story about the evolution of Bella Baxter (Emma Stone), a young woman who is brought back to life by a brilliant and unconventional scientist, Dr. Godwin Baxter (Willem Dafoe). Under his care, Bella is eager to learn everything from scratch, but also to experience life to the fullest. In search of new experiences, she sets off on a stormy and adventurous journey across continents in the company of a clever and debauched lawyer, Duncan Wedderburn (Mark Ruffalo). Free from the prejudices of her time, Bella is determined to pursue her goal of fighting for equality and independence.
Spektrum to sala kinowa na drugim piętrze KOTa. Wzorowane na amerykańskich pałacach filmowych wnętrze zapewnia wygodne miejsca dla 100 osób. Spektrum to przestrzeń, która przypomina widzom, że prawdziwe ekranowe emocje można przeżywać tylko w kinie.
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Anatomy of a Fall
Saturday, December 28, 2024
3:00 PM